Enugu’s 180-Day Water Revolution – Prince Ejeh Josh

Governor Peter Mbah

In the city of Enugu, where coal thrives but water is a luxury, Dr. Peter Mbah emerged as a beacon of change, promising to break the shackles of a water crisis that had plagued the city for over 20 years. While Enugu boasts abundant coal, its water scarcity had become a chronic issue, leaving residents resigned to a life of helplessness and frustration.

According to Prince Ejeh Josh the narrative shifted when Dr. Peter Mbah, now the Governor of Enugu State, boldly declared during his campaign that he would transform the water landscape within the first 180 days of his administration. Skeptics abound, opposition scoffed, but Mbah remained resolute. The promise sparked debates and doubts in a charged political atmosphere, with many questioning the feasibility of such a swift resolution to a longstanding problem.

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Water, often hailed as life itself, plays a pivotal role in sustainable development, socio-economic progress, and human survival. The United Nations recognizes its significance in achieving global goals, with SDG 6 specifically aiming to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Despite this crucial role, WaterAid’s grim statistics depicted a dire situation in Enugu, where half the population lacked access to potable water services, leading to sanitation issues, increased poverty, and heightened health challenges, particularly affecting infant mortality. The city’s water sources were contaminated, leading to outbreaks of diseases like cholera.

Dr. Peter Mbah’s arrival marked a departure from conventional political rhetoric. Undeterred by limited resources, he mobilized a team of professionals to tackle the water crisis head-on. The political lexicon shifted to embrace terms like disruptive innovation, technology deployment, ICT, robotics, and artificial intelligence. The governor’s commitment to a new era of governance was evident.

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Working tirelessly, Mbah’s administration achieved the seemingly impossible. In less than 180 days, water production skyrocketed from occasional two million liters to an impressive 120 million liters. The 9th Mile Water Facility, with a 4.4-megawatt power station, became a world-class project ensuring 24-hour water supply to the people.

Today, the once arid city of Enugu is quenched by fresh, potable, and disease-free water, ending over two decades of struggle. The barriers of failure in the water sector were shattered, ushering in a new dawn for the people of Enugu. Schools, hospitals, hotels, industries, and residents can now enjoy the relief of abundant and clean water. Dr. Peter Mbah’s triumph stands as a testament to the transformative power of determination and hard work, proving that dreams can become reality through sweat and perseverance. Enugu has indeed witnessed a revolutionary turnaround under his leadership, marking a historic milestone in the annals of the city’s development.

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