Breast Health: Expert To Women, Your breasts not just yours


Dr. Adamu Ningi, a highly regarded General Surgeon and Surgical Oncology Specialist at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital in Bauchi State, delivered a compelling message regarding the paramount importance of breast health in the fight against breast cancer during a momentous event on October 22, 2023.

This landmark gathering was the 2023 Breast Health Awareness Day, accompanied by an empowering 5-kilometer walk, organized in collaboration between the BIK Foundation, Alheri YS Foundation, VC Jones Care Foundation, and AABA Life Foundation. The event was aptly themed ‘Let Hope Illuminate the Path: Walking Against Breast Cancer.’

Dr. Ningi firmly emphasized two pivotal elements in breast cancer prevention: breastfeeding and regular breast examinations by intimate partners. His poignant words, “Ladies, please embrace breastfeeding. Your breasts are not solely your own; they are the only organ within your body shared by three individuals – yourself, your child, and your spouse.”

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This innovative perspective encourages women to involve their partners actively in the journey to breast health, capitalizing on their ability to detect any anomalies during these vital check-ups. Furthermore, Dr. Ningi shed light on the protective cloak that breastfeeding naturally weaves against breast cancer. It’s an intriguing correlation, where the duration and frequency of breastfeeding directly relate to the degree of protection.

Delving deeper into the subject of breast health, Dr. Ningi advocated for early marriage, typically at the age of 24 to 25, to initiate families. He elucidated that the final five months of pregnancy act as a shield guarding against the onset of breast cancer.

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Upon the triumphant culmination of the 5-kilometer awareness walk, Mr. Ibrahim Kashim, the Secretary to the Bauchi State Government and the Founder of the BIK Foundation, announced the establishment of state-of-the-art screening facilities, poised to play a pivotal role in the early detection of breast cancer. Mr. Kashim also called upon Non-Governmental Organizations to continue their tireless efforts throughout the year, conducting community outreach and screenings. This diligent work ensures that breast cancer is identified in its nascent stages, permitting swift and effective treatment. A collective endeavor that ultimately champions breast health and fights to diminish the prevalence of breast cancer.