Breaking: NLC Protests 20 Months Unpaid Salaries in Imo State [Video]

20 months unpaid salary in Imo State

Imo State, October 31, 2023 — The streets of Imo State roared with determination today as members of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) staged a massive protest against the heart-wrenching ordeal of 20 months of unpaid salaries. The impassioned demonstration, led by Congress President Comrade Joe Ajaero, is a resounding call for justice and workers’ rights.

In a state known for its industrious labor force, the NLC’s protest marks a significant step in the relentless battle against worker exploitation. Chants of “Aluta Continua” and “Victoria Acerta” reverberated through the crowd, emphasizing the unwavering resolve to secure justice, daring to win, and vehemently rejecting the perpetuation of worker slavery in Imo State.

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Workers Protesting months unpaid salary in Imo State
Workers Protesting months unpaid salary in Imo State

The protest, captured on video, showcases the fervent determination of Imo State’s workers who have endured the immense burden of unpaid salaries for nearly two years. The video footage captures the heart-wrenching stories of workers who have struggled to make ends meet, their voices united in a powerful call for change.

Imo state Governor, Hope Uzodinma facing Workers Resistance
Imo state Governor, Hope Uzodinma facing Workers Resistance

Comrade Joe Ajaero, at the forefront of this historic rally, declared, “We stand together today to say NO to the continuation of worker slavery in Imo State. It’s time to dare to struggle, dare to win, and secure the rights and respect that our workers deserve.”


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As the sun sets on this historic day in Imo State, the message is loud and clear: the people of Imo State are unified and unwavering in their pursuit of workers’ rights. Comrade Joe Ajaero’s leadership has galvanized the fight for change, ensuring that the battle against worker exploitation is far from over. Together, they stand in solidarity, saying NO to the perpetuation of worker slavery in Imo State, determined to dare to struggle, and daring to win.