Aisha Yesufu Warns of Imminent Anti-Corruption Protest

Aisha Yesufu during #EndSARS

Aisha Yesufu, a well-known socio-political activist, has expressed concern over the frustration caused by corrupt politicians in Nigeria, warning that it could ignite a nationwide protest even more intense than the 2020 ‘EndSARS’ movement.

Yesufu emphasized that the prevailing discontent among Nigerians may lead to a spontaneous uprising against the corrupt political class, drawing parallels to the unexpected and widespread nature of the #EndSARS protests in 2020. During that time, citizens rallied across the country to demand the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), notorious for its mistreatment of young people.

The protests, initially ignited on social media platforms, escalated into massive demonstrations in major cities, unfortunately culminating in violence. The tragic incident at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos, where military personnel fired at peaceful protesters, resulted in the loss of lives, particularly among the youth.

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As someone deeply involved in the #EndSARS protests and the co-convener of the BringBackOur Girls movement, Yesufu cautioned that another uprising might catch Nigerians off guard. Via her social media account, she conveyed her apprehensions, stating, “Nobody foresaw the #EndSARS protest, and the next upheaval may come unexpectedly.

Regrettably, it could escalate into violence due to the simmering anger fueled by the audacity and corruption of politicians who have manipulated their way into power. No one will be exempt from its impact.”