Nsukka LGA Mayor: 2 Years, 5 Roads, Countless Transformations

Chairman Nsukka Local Government Area (LGA, Hon Barrister Walter Ozioko

In an astonishing display of visionary leadership, Mayor Hon Barrister Walter Ozioko has catapulted Nsukka Local Government Area (LGA) into the spotlight with a trailblazing record of accomplishments within just two years of assuming office on March 3, 2022.

Ozioko’s exceptional tenure as the Executive Chairman of Nsukka LGA has been nothing short of remarkable, capturing the attention of local, state, and national news outlets. His unprecedented legacy and scorecard have set a new standard for local government chairmanship in Nigeria, particularly in Nsukka LGA, Enugu State.

Breaking a nearly three-decade record, Ozioko has become the second Mayor of the council since 1988/89 to asphalt a public road, following the footsteps of former Mayor Hon Otti. However, Ozioko’s achievements transcend this singular milestone, as he proudly stands in history as the first Mayor to pave multiple asphalt roads—approximately five in total. These transformative projects span crucial sectors, including education, skill acquisition, rural electrification, health, agriculture, commerce, sports, security, and empowerment initiatives.

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What sets Ozioko apart is his financial acumen, accomplishing these feats without borrowing a dime and ensuring all contractors and civil workers are paid promptly. Moreover, he has successfully cleared numerous debts accumulated by previous administrations, showcasing fiscal responsibility and accountability.

The impact of Ozioko’s leadership has not gone unnoticed, attracting attention from various bodies and investors across the country to Nsukka LGA, home to the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). His genuine passion for service, honesty, and a deep sense of duty to God have endeared him to the hearts of both the young and old, making him the popular choice for continued leadership.

The strategic implementation of a network of asphalt roads has not only alleviated perennial traffic congestion in key areas like the Ogige-Nsukka market and the Enugu road axis but has also revitalized economic activities by connecting the three major markets in Nsukka—Ogige, Ikpa, and Aku-Road Market.

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In a departure from traditional political backgrounds, Ozioko’s foray into politics is a recent one, stemming from a successful career as the CEO of Chukwubuikem-Motors CBM, a transport company based in Lagos. His commitment to community development was evident even before his political career, as he personally financed the grading and construction of rural roads during visits home from Lagos.

Among the noteworthy achievements are several road projects, including the construction and asphalting of Cold room Mbuke-axis, Enugu road/Onudialoke road, Leja park/Aku link-road, Ikenga – Odoru Health Center Road – Edem Ani link-road, TTC-Odoru Road, and the reconstruction of Road barracks junction. In addition, his deliberate Roads Grading, Rehabilitation, and Expansion program have touched every corner of Nsukka LGA, grading at least two roads in each of the 20 political wards.

Ozioko’s impact extends beyond roads, encompassing various projects such as the completion of the abandoned legislative complex, initiation of the first-ever local government-owned youth skill acquisition center, construction and equipment of government-owned Amagu Umuachom Community Primary School, and renovations of key administrative complexes and police facilities.

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In the realm of health, security, and other vital sectors, Ozioko has left an indelible mark with initiatives such as the establishment of health centers, support for health workers, procurement of security equipment and vehicles, decline in drug consumption through strategic partnerships with law enforcement agents, and environmental sanitation efforts.

As Nsukka LGA basks in the glow of Ozioko’s transformative leadership, it is evident that opportunity met a prepared leader, ready to serve with passion, conscientiousness, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of the community. The Greater Nsukka narrative is forever changed under the dynamic leadership of Mayor Hon Barrister Walter Ozioko, and the impact resonates as a testament to visionary governance and positive change.