EEDC Expands Electrical Safety Education to Schools

EEDC Expands Electrical Safety Education to Schools

he Enugu Electricity Distribution Company PLC (EEDC) is actively promoting electrical safety awareness within the local education sector. As part of its ongoing efforts during this year’s Customer Service Week (CSW), EEDC recently conducted an educational visit to Government Secondary School, Enugu.

During the visit, EEDC representatives provided valuable insights to both students and teachers on various aspects of the electricity value chain, the complexities of electricity distribution, and the crucial role that customers play in ensuring the sector’s sustainability.

Mrs. Ijeoma Ogudebe, Head of Customer Service at EEDC, underscored the significance of reaching out to students during their formative years to impart essential knowledge about electricity and its responsible usage. She emphasized that many of the challenges currently faced in the electricity sector can be attributed to ignorance and a lack of awareness among consumers.

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Dr. Francis Iwu, Head of Health, Safety & Environment at EEDC, seized the opportunity to educate the students about potential electrical hazards and the necessary safety precautions. Key safety tips included avoiding the use of electrical appliances with wet hands, refraining from engaging in recreational activities near power lines, and opting for electric kettles with built-in thermostats instead of ring boilers.

Furthermore, Dr. Iwu encouraged the students to advocate for the use of qualified and competent electricians for electrical work in their homes. He stressed the importance of using the right materials and adhering to industry standards to prevent electrical accidents and fires.

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The students exhibited great enthusiasm and attentiveness during the awareness session, actively taking notes and asking insightful questions on areas of concern.

Barr. Ijeoma Onuigbo, the Principal of Government Secondary School, expressed her gratitude to the EEDC team for their visit and requested that such knowledge-sharing opportunities become a regular occurrence. She acknowledged the enrichment of the students’ understanding of electricity, its safe usage, and the precautionary measures needed to ensure their well-being.

EEDC’s commitment to fostering electrical safety awareness in schools highlights its dedication to both customer education and safety as part of its broader mission to provide reliable electricity distribution services to the community.

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