Breaking: Nnamdi Kanu Alleges DSS Wants Him Dead in Custody

Release of Nnamdi Kanu Could End Buhari's Persecution

In a dramatic courtroom session today, Justice Binta Nyako denied the bail application of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), amidst objections from his legal team led by Barrister Ejimakor. The court also granted an accelerated hearing in the case.

Ejimakor vehemently objected to the bail denial and raised concerns about Kanu’s continued detention in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS). He highlighted serious restrictions imposed on the legal team’s ability to confer with their client. They are only permitted to meet with Kanu individually, without taking notes or bringing him a change of clothes.

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Supreme Court’s Delay in Kanu Case Sparks Concerns

Supreme Court’s Delay in Kanu Case Sparks Concerns


“These are flagrant disregard for the constitution. There’s no way this trial can go on under these circumstances. We will merely be wasting our time,” Ejimakor emphasized.

Despite pleas from Kanu’s legal team for him to be transferred to a prison facility as ordered by the Supreme Court, Justice Nyako rejected the request, citing security concerns. She instructed Ejimakor to pursue an appeal.

During the proceedings, Kanu himself addressed the court, revealing shocking allegations of mistreatment and medical neglect while in DSS custody. He claimed to be suffering from congenitive heart failure and accused the DSS of providing inadequate medical care, stating, “They want me to die in custody.”

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Kanu pleaded with the court to be transferred to Kuje prison, but Justice Nyako remained firm in her decision to keep him in DSS custody, citing security risks.

The courtroom saga underscores the contentious nature of Kanu’s detention and the legal battle surrounding his case. As the proceedings continue, the eyes of the nation remain fixated on the outcome, amid growing concerns over human rights and due process.