Enugu Police Arrest Masquerade for Nurse Assault in Nsukka

Nsukka Masquerade

Nsukka, Enugu State, May 22, 2024 — Police operatives from the Nsukka Sector of the Enugu State Command have arrested and arraigned a 22-year-old man, Ugwuoke Ebube, for physically assaulting a female victim at Ugwuoye Junction, Nsukka. The incident, which occurred on May 12, 2024, around 3:45 p.m., involved Ebube donning a traditional masquerade costume known as Oriokpa.

The arrest was executed by the Anti-Cultism Tactical Squad following investigations that linked Ebube to a previous assault on a female nurse, an incident that was widely circulated on social media in April 2024. The viral video showed a group of masqueraders attacking the nurse as she rode a motorcycle.

Ebube was arraigned today in the Nsukka Magistrate Court and has been granted bail. The Enugu State Commissioner of Police, CP Kanayo Uzuegbu, condemned the act, emphasizing that such behavior under the pretext of cultural celebration will not be tolerated. He warned that the police would not hesitate to prosecute individuals engaging in such criminal activities.

CP Uzuegbu stressed the importance of maintaining cultural practices without infringing on the rights and safety of others. The police command’s swift action underscores their commitment to protecting citizens and upholding the law.

For further details, contact DSP Daniel Ndukwe, the Police Public Relations Officer for the Enugu State Command.