Enugu Govt Reaffirms Okada Ban, Vows Enforcement

Governor Peter Mbah

Enugu, Nigeria — The Enugu State government has reaffirmed its stance on the ban of motorcycles, commonly referred to as “okada,” within the state’s capital city. To enforce this prohibition, the government has established a taskforce responsible for apprehending and prosecuting individuals found in violation of the ban.

The Commissioner for Special Duties, Hon. Emeka Ajogwu, made this announcement, expressing the government’s concern over the growing public outcry regarding the unrestricted use of motorcycles within the city.

In a press statement issued personally by Commissioner Ajogwu on Thursday, he emphasized that the government would not remain passive while motorcycles continued to be used indiscriminately. He reminded the public that the ban remained in effect and that violators risked a one-year prison sentence and the confiscation of their motorcycles.

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“The State Government has observed with grave concern the growing and indiscriminate use of motorcycles by some outlaws in the capital city, even when they are aware that there is an existing law prohibiting that,” Commissioner Ajogwu stated.

He went on to say, “Our office has received a series of inquiries from members of the public expressing fears over their safety due to the reckless manner in which these offenders are driving their motorcycles within Enugu metropolis.”

The government’s determination to put an end to this illegal activity is resolute, and the authorities have established a committee to curb this unlawful behavior and punish those responsible.

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“To dispel any doubts, sections 3 and 4 of the Operation of Motorcycles (Prohibition) Law, 2012, explicitly prohibit the use of motorcycles in all forms within the Enugu North, Enugu South, and Enugu East local government areas of the state. The law also prescribes the appropriate penalties for offenders,” Commissioner Ajogwu emphasized.

Therefore, the government is committed to fully enforcing this law. The Commissioner’s statement concluded with a warning to the public, particularly those in violation of the ban, to desist from engaging in this criminal act.