Enugu Governor Approves 2023 Civil Service Promotions

Governor Peter Mbah

Enugu State Governor Peter Mbah has given the green light for the 2023 promotion and conversion procedures for eligible civil servants in the state. The Chairman of the Enugu State Civil Service Commission (ESCSC), Mr. Robinson Odo, expressed his appreciation for Governor Mbah’s commitment to fulfilling promises related to worker well-being and enhancing their quality of life.

During an internal briefing at the ESCSC office in Enugu, Mr. Odo disclosed this latest development. He praised the governor for promptly approving this year’s promotion and conversion processes for civil servants due for promotion at year-end. Additionally, the conversion process will see more civil servants move from lower positions to higher ones, resulting in increased incomes.

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This news is expected to invigorate civil servants, motivating them to perform their duties with dedication and a commitment to selflessly serve the state. The chairman emphasized that this development aligns with the administration’s goals of disruptive innovation, e-governance, digitalization, efficiency, and optimal performance to drive the state’s $30 billion-dollar economy, reduce poverty, and boost the economic wellbeing of the populace.

Furthermore, the ESCSC has issued a circular to the heads of various Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), urging them to inform their staff about the exercises and ensure that only qualified employees participate. The deadline for submission of promotion briefs from MDAs is set for November 30th.

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Mr. Odo lauded the governor’s efforts to enhance the welfare of civil servants in the state, highlighting the government’s commitment to implementing worker-friendly policies and addressing issues such as pension backlogs, payment of retired workers, and initiating the settlement of gratuities.

He expressed confidence that this year’s exercises will be successful and encouraged eligible civil servants to seize this auspicious opportunity for promotion and conversion. The chairman likened this development to a Christmas gift for civil servants, underlining the governor’s unwavering focus on human capital development and building strong institutions to drive the state’s growth and development.

In addition to the ongoing projects in critical infrastructure, education, water supply, healthcare, and environmental sanitation, the governor continues to invest in training workers, ensuring regular payment, and improving their working conditions, all aimed at shielding them from the challenging economic conditions prevailing in the country.

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